An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the possible impacts that a proposed project may have on the environment, consisting of the environmental, social and economic aspects. Environmental impact assessment ensures that decision makers consider the environmental impacts when deciding whether to proceed with a project.
The application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Environmental Management and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Audit process has gained substantial momentum over the past few years. Analysing developments in their spatial context during the initial stages of the EIA process expedites the identification of potential aspects and impacts that may have to be assessed while the process goes on. Potential risk factors may be identified upfront and presented to the client to assess the viability of proceeding with the project. This approach reduces timeframes and usually presents the client with a cost saving.
An excellent tool that is increasingly important in the detection, description, quantification and monitoring environmental changes is Remote Sensing, which, in combination with geographic information systems (GIS) and fieldwork, is an effective management tool. This course focuses on the use of GIS and Remote Sensing to organize and present spatial data in a way that allows effective environmental management planning.
Target Participants: - This training targets engineers, technicians, projects managers in the Ministries of Information Technology and Communications (ICT), Ministries of Environments, ICT regulators, private sector working in environmental issues. Other institutions and individuals who are interested in having an overview of the Environmental Management System (EMS) are also welcome to participate in this training program.
Participants will be able to:
The following topics will be covered under this course:
Participants will emerge better prepared to implement Geographic information systems and remote sensing-based analysis and modelling tools in a way that allows effective environmental monitoring and management.