The efficiency and accuracy of data are improved when remote sensing data products and GIS are used. Geospatial tools such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) can help us make better decisions.Specifically, this decision making tools can be used in the context of agriculture in assessment of crop area extent, management of water resources, identification of pest attacks and diseases, yield assessment studies, land suitability assessment for agriculture disaster management and precision agriculture. For optimum utilization of available agricultural land resources on a sustainable basis, timely and reliable information regarding their nature, extent and spatial distribution along with their potential and limitations is very important. This course will offer a mixture of lectures, demonstrations and hands-on exercises using open-source GIS and RS software.
Agricultural experts, soil scientists, Animal Scientists, agronomists, entomologists, ranch managers, farm managers, environmentalists, farmers and students.
Participants in the course will be able to:
Participants will become grounded in the applications and utilization of Geospatial techniques and technologies in Agricultural Resources Management.