Certificate in Geographic Information Science (GIS) and Technology

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Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have become an essential tool for planning, resource management, and decision-making. The ability of GIS to store, retrieve, analyze model and map spatial data has enhanced its application. This course aims at equipping participants with the knowledge to use GIS tools to visualize real-world features, explore spatial data and analyze maps to communicate information and make decisions.

Target Participants: all those with a minimum school certificate who are interested in building their capacity to utilize the GIS technology.

Course Objectives

Participants in the course will be able to:

  • Acquire, clean, and map GIS data
  • Create and share online maps using web GIS platforms
  • Work with attributes and shape files in map making
  • Perform joins, clipping, normalization, and many more core GIS operations
  • Work with vector and raster data
  • Perform spatial analysis to better understand GIS data
  • Complete an entire GIS project on acquiring, processing, analyzing, and visualizing GIS data.

Course Content/Outline (3 credit units per topic-1hr lecture and 2hrs practical)

  • Wk 1:Principles and components of GIS
  • Wk 1:GIS data models/structure
  • Wk 2:GIS database management system
  • Wk 2:Working with shapefiles and attribute data in GIS
  • Wk 3:Key Options of Geospatial Data Representations and analysis
  • Wk 3:GIS analysis operations and modelling
  • Wk 4:Web Mapping and visualization
  • Wk 4:Artificial intelligence, programming and computer maintenance

Expected Outcome

Participants will be grounded in the fundamentals of GIS and the utilization of GIS in solving numerous societal problems.

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